Security and surveillance services

Security and surveillance services

1.    Private Security Agents: Trained, discreet security personnel to protect VIP clients during travel or private events.

2.    Security Chauffeurs: Drivers trained in defensive and security driving, equipped to handle emergency or threat situations.

3.    Residential Surveillance: Securing residences or temporary stays with advanced surveillance systems (cameras, sensors, alarms) and a permanent security team.

4.    Close Protection (Bodyguards): Personal bodyguard for close protection under any circumstances, whether in the city, at public or private events.

5.    Risk Assessment: Risk analysis and management before any travel or event, including route analysis, location checks, and emergency security planning.

6.    Advanced Security Technology: Use of armored vehicles, encrypted communication systems, and other technologies to ensure client safety.

7.    Event Security: Securing private VIP events (parties, receptions, galas) with a team dedicated to crowd management, access control, and guest monitoring.


Contact us

Write to us :

Call us : +225 2722288340 / 0709682828

contactez-nous, destiny-conciergerieAbidjan, Riviera M'Badon


contactez-nous, destiny-conciergerie(+225) 07 08 89 56 32
(+225) 07 09 68 28 28

“Your needs, our priority”